Mani Sarma

Astrologer, Vaastu Consultant


Astrology helps you understand and channel your full potential

Namaskara! I’m Mani Sarma, an astrologer. I have done extensive study of Jyotish Shastra. With more than 3 decades of field experience, I can answer the deepest questions you have about yourself. I study your horoscope – make you aware of the quality of time and your potential.

My Story

Walked out of my teens with an abiding passion for astrology. For the past three decades, I filled my days with study of the Jyotish Shastra . I apply it in my day to day work.

I meet clients in what I call a consultation. I apply the principles I learned to make predictions, answer questions about partnerships, deals, job opportunities or whatever the query might be.

Vedic astrology is my mainstay. But I have kept myself abreast with all the new developments in the field of astrology all over the English-speaking world. I do follow the Western use of the planets beyond Saturn and other timing methods. But these are used to double check ideas and insights got through the Vedic method.

I am eclectic in my methodology and approach to deliver better value addition to the client consulting me. I started my journey towards astrology in 1978, forty years ago. What I like about astrology is its way of revealing the truth but only to the chosen few, the open-minded and the intelligent ones.

My Values & Beliefs

I believe in human potential

I believe that humans are innately capable of reasoning, decision-making, and action. Through my insights, I help them consider their possibilities and take necessary action. My goal is to make people get a realistic awareness of their self-worth.

I know that human life is no accident

Humans have the ability to plan and execute. Sometimes, they need help with their decision-making process. Life is not something that happens to one, no matter what. It should not be. It is possible to get a reasonably good understanding of what is in one’s control and what’s not.

Doubt is natural

Doubt, second-guessing voices in your head, and worries do not make you any less of a person. Rather, it proves that you’re human and capable of rising above your situation. I help you define the problem and examine courses of action.

My Approach

Astrological consultation is to empower the client by frankly interpreting the symbolism of the horoscope to him/her with minimum of jargon. Active collaboration between the astrologer and the client can result in a useful and meaningful outcome. When handled with proper knowledge and maturity, horoscope reading can be one valuable facet of Decision Support System.

Like any other ancient body of knowledge, astrology too had its phases of astounding growth and abysmal decadence. But with the ease of use of computers, rediscovery and availability of the Hellenistic and Medieval texts in English translations, and the new wave of discourse and dissemination of knowledge through the medium of the internet, astrology is again poised to gain the place it deserves in contributing to human happiness. This would be my endeavour too.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!